
A trademark is a sign which distinguishes your goods and/or services from others. A trademark is fundamental in establishing your business. By registering your trademark, you receive the exclusive right to the mark. We can assist you in registering and maintaining your trademark right in Hong Kong and the US and, of course, across the world through our network of associates.

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You May Need To Know

You must apply to each country in which you wish to seek trademark protection.

Similar to patent, there is no single trademark registration that covers the entire world. You must register your trademark in each individual country in which you are interested. We are here to help you to make your trademark portfolio registration process seamless.

Again, you do not need to file in all countries in one go, once the first trademark registration is filed, you have 6 months to file in subsequent countries.

When registering your trademark, you need to decide a list of all goods and services for which your trademark may be used.

Hong Kong, like most other jurisdictions, follows the Nice Classification of the World Intellectual Property Organization.

On the other hand, US has its own slightly different classification system, TMIDM.

We will work with you to construct a list of goods/services that can provide comprehensive protection for your business, while minimizing the chance of rejections from the authorities.

Trademark applications will be examined. If the trademark meets the registration requirements, the application will be advertised in an official journal. If no opposition is filed by any third party within a prescribed period, usually 1~3 months, from the date of advertisement, the trademark will be registered. The registration process for a trademark is relatively short. The whole process generally takes approximately one year.

Do You Have a Question?

For further information, please don't hesitate to contact us.